Welcome to Slinger HS Online Athletic Registration


Parents, Complete Your Athletics Registration Online!

Slinger Athletics - Home of the OWLS






      High School Requirements


Step 1: A physical card or alternate year card will be needed for each student wanting to go out for a sport.  

If the physical has been taken after April 1, 2019, it will complete the requirement.  If the physical has been

taken after April 1, 2018, the student will need to turn the physical in as well as an alternate year card.

Step 2:  Acknowledge following the rules of the Co-Curricular Code and WIAA. 

Step 3:  Fill out the Emergency Card. 

Step 4:  Students and parents each acknowledge receiving the Concussion Information.

Step 5:  Save the form

Step 6:  Pay the $100 athletic fee.  Click here to pay with credit card

(Site is open July 15th for credit card payments), or send your check made payable to the

School District of Slinger.  You may either mail your check to the school or drop it off at the

high school office during business hours.


Once you complete these steps, please stop in the high school office to receive your OWL CARD.


Ready to get started?  Click the registration icon above!